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Table of Contents


What is HPC? - or - What is a Super Computer?

The term high performance computing (HPC) refers to any computational activity requiring more than a single computer to execute a task. Super computers and computer clusters are used to solve advanced computation problems.

How many cores does the Super Computer have? (Storage, RAM...)

48 compute nodes at 12 cores each = 576 cores

48 compute nodes at 64GB of RAM each = 768GB or roughly 3/4 of TB

48 compute nodes at 500GB local storage each = 23 TB

108 TB of GPFS storage. General Parallel File System, now called Spectrum Scale, is a high-performance clustered file system developed by IBM.

How fast is it?

  • 10 TFlops as reported by LINPACK. LINPACK is the benchmarking software used to rate and rank super computers.

  • The network for intranode communication is based on Infiniband and is rated for 56Gbits/second.

  • Comparison: A CPU currently found in some gaming PCs is the Intel I7 3930K which normally runs in the 3GHz range overclocked to 5GHz will net about 100 GFlops.

  • Florida Poly's Supercomputer is getting 10TFlops without overclocking and with plenty of room to grow in capacity and speed.

Who made it?

  • This HPC platform was made by IBM. The same people who made Watson the Jeopardy playing Super Computer!

What is it for? - or - What can it be used for?

  • The platform is very flexible and can be used for a number of things modeling and simulation mathematics and chemistry to assisting in video rendering or "big-data".

What Operating System (OS) does it use?

  • At this time, Florida Poly is using Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

What else is in the racks?


Requesting Access How do I package?

  • Professors

    • Please contact helpdesk to request access to the supercomputer or to request additional applications.

  • Students

    • A professor must request access to the HPC and new application needed for the student. (see above)

Useful Information and commands.

  • Most users will use Putty to ssh into the HPC using their Poly email address and password. Usually going to Login.hpc.lab

  • To upload files to the HPC please use Filezilla or a similar ftp client. The host is login.hpc.lab, username/password is your FLPoly username/password and port is 22


Our HPC cluster benchmarks at 10 terraflops--around 100 times the performance of a high-end workstation. It’s been designed for parallel processing

Our HPC Cluster


IBM nx360 M4

Number of compute nodes

48 nodes

Node CPU

Dual Intel Xeon Processor E5-2620 v2 6C

Total cores per node

6 cores per CPU x 2 CPUs = 12 cores with 64GB RAM

Hardware threads per core


Hardware threads per node

12 cores x 12 threads = 144 total threads

Clock rate



8x 8GB (1x8GB, 2Rx8, 1.35V) PC3L-12800 CL11 ECC DDR3 1600MHz LP RDIMM


15MB Cache 1600MHz 80W

Node storage

500GB per node

Internode network

56gbit/second Infiniband

Cluster storage

108 TB of GPFS storage

Cluster file system

GPFS / Spectrum Scale

Operating System

Red Hat Enterprise Linux [Liam, please add version]

Requesting Access


Please contact the Helpdesk to request access to our HPC cluster: or 863.874.8888.


Please work with a faculty member to sponsor your work.

Accessing the HPC Cluster

  • To access the command shell use SSH; to upload files use SFTP or SCP:

    • Host: login.hpc.lab

    • Port: 22

    • Credentials : your Florida Poly username and password

  • Submitting jobs to the LSF (use bsub)

    1. Compile the hello_world example code provided by default

      1. /opt/ibm/platform_mpi/bin/mpicc -o hello_world.exe /opt/ibm/platform_mpi/help/hello_world.c

    2. Submit a job through LSF to test the message passing

      1. bsub -n 10 -R "span[ptile=1]" -o %J.out "/opt/ibm/platform_mpi/bin/mpirun -lsf -vapi /home/(Username)/hello_world.exe; wait"

    3. Check the output of the %J.out file to verify results

  • If you request a Virtual Machine, you will be given the address in which you can connect either by ssh or remote desktop depending on the setup.

  • To upload files please use Filezilla or a similar ftp client. The host is the name of the Virtual Machine you were given, username/password is your FLPoly username/password and port is 22

  • For the EmberDB cluster please ssh into ember.hpc.lab using your FLPoly username and password.

    • Once connected use

      • Mysql –u (your username) -p –h ember-db

        • It will then ask for your FLPoly password.


  • Spack is a package manager for supercomputers, Linux, and macOS. It



You can install applications on our HPC using Spack: a Linux package manager that makes installing scientific software easy. With Spack, you can build a package with multiple versions, configurations, platforms, and compilers, and all of these builds can coexist on the same machine.

  • spack find

    This lists

    To list all available packages



    • spack load

      This loads the


  • To load a package into your environment

    . For example


    • spack load

    • You can specify a software version as part of the load:

    • spack load python@3.7.3


      loads Python 3.7.3

      into your environment.
    You can then
  • Once you’ve loaded Python you can use PIP to install necessary python modules:

    • python3 -mpip install matplotlib for example

Apache Hadoop 2.6.0

[Liam, does more need to be said here?]

Apache Spark 1.3.1

HPC Components


IBM nx360 M4




Dual Intel Xeon Processor E5-2620 v2 6C


Total cores per node:


12 core with 64GB RAM


Hardware threads per core:




Hardware threads per node


12 x 12 = 144


Clock rate:






8 8GB (1x8GB, 2Rx8, 1.35V) PC3L-12800 CL11 ECC DDR3 1600MHz LP RDIMM




15MB Cache 1600MHz 80W


Local storage:


108 TB of GPFS storage

Management & Login Nodes

IBM System x3550 M4

The x3550 M4 is a cost- and density-balanced 1U, 2-socket server.

Intel Xeon processor E5-2600 v2 product family.

Supports up to 1866 MHz memory speeds.

Supports up to 768 GB memory with 32 GB LRDIMMs.


The RackSwitch G8124E has support for 1G or 10G, this switch is designed for leveraging 10G Ethernet or have plans to in the future[Liam, does more need to be said here?]

Other Applications

If you need an application that’s not available through Spack please contact the Helpdesk: or 863.874.8888.