HiperGator Information

HiperGator Information

HiPerGator Accounts

After your account is created you will receive an email on how to setup your account and 2 Factor Authentication using DUO application.

Connecting To HiPerGator


MACOS: Open terminal and type ssh <username>@hpg.rc.ufl.edu

Windows: You will need to download a ssh client for windows. We suggest Putty (it is also on Software Center for University owned laptops).


In Host name (or IP address) put hpg2.rc.ufl.edu and for Port add 22

In Saved Sessions add HiperGator as the name and click SAVE then click Connect.



Please download Filezilla here or you can find it on Managed Software Center for University owned Macs, or on Software Center for University owned Windows machines.

  1. In Filezilla open Site Manager (upper left hand corner icon)

  2.  Create a New site named HiperGator with protocol SFTP, address hpg2.rc.ufl.edu and Port 22.  Change Login Type to Interactive and in the User: space place your HiperGator username



3. Click Connect and you will get this prompt. Input your HiperGator Password and Click OK.


4. Next you will get a DUO prompt. You must input the number 1 or 2 in the password box  (not your password). This allows UF to send you a DUO push or Phone call to the phone you set up as your two-factor device.  After you accept the push or answer the phone call it will log you in and you can upload/download files.



Checking Quotas and Managing Space

The ufrc environment module has several tools useful for checking storage use and quotas as well as exploring directories and their space use.

  • home_quota - show your HiPerGator Home directory quota usage.

  • blue_quota - show HiPerGator Blue Storage (/blue) quota usage for your user and group.

  • orange_quota - show HiPerGator Orange Storage (/orange) quota usage for your project(s).


Important Commands

squeue -A fl-poly (Shows what jobs are running and who are running them plus JobID)

slurmInfo fl-poly (Shows what resources are being used)

scancel <jobID> (Cancel jobID. To get jobID please run squeue -A fl-poly) Also only the user who is running the job can cancel it. If user is unavailable and using all resources, please submit a ticket to UF.

module avail (Shows available applications you can load into your environment) Also found here.

module load <name of application> (loads application into your environment). e.g. module load R will load R into your environment.

module unload <name of application> (unloads application from your environment)

module list (lists all applications loaded into your environment)

More commands and information can be found here.