How to Update Emergency Alerts in Workday

How to Update Emergency Alerts in Workday

This article showcases how to add/update or verify your Emergency Alert information in Workday.


  • Emergency Alert is the information on file to contact you, the individual, in the event of an emergency on campus (e.g., weather emergencies, active shooter, lockdown, etc.).


This is extremely important. All staff and faculty are highly encouraged to update this information for their own safety.


Updating Emergency Alerts

To get started, click on the Workday link below and log in using your NetID and password credentials.

If you are having trouble logging in,

→ Contact the Help Desk

Phone | +1 (863) 874 - 8888

Email | helpdesk@floridapoly.edu

→ Use NetID Self Service



Step 1. Click on your profile at the upper-right corner of the screen.

Step 2. Click the “View Profile” button.



Step 3. On the left side of the screen, locate and select the “Contact” section.



Step 4. Click on the tab at the top-middle of the screen called “Emergency Alerts”. Verify that what is shown is the correct Emergency Alert contact information for you.

Step 5. If it is NOT correct and needs to be updated, click on “Edit Home Contact Info” on the right of the screen.



Step 6. Scroll down to the “Additional Phone” category.

Step 7. To EDIT an existing phone number, click the pencil button next to it.

To DELETE an existing phone number, click the X button  next to it.

Step 8. To ADD a new Emergency Alert phone number, click the “Add” button.




Step 9.   When adding a new phone number, select “Emergency Alert” as the phone device.

Step 10. Enter the phone number in the “Phone Number” type box.

Step 11. Click on the check button at the top right and verify that the new phone number you entered is saved above.



Step 12. Ensure all the information you input is correct, then click “Submit” at the bottom of the screen.

To verify your updates were saved, return to the “Contact” section of your Workday profile and click on the “Emergency Alerts” tab.

Hint: See Steps 3 and 4 above.