Software Request Process - Free Software
The below Software Request process for free software details the collaborative effort between Technology Services and the Office of General Counsel to provide the associated information and systems security approvals and risk assessments to get your software request from request to reality. Note that the typical New Software Request process can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months to complete. Refer to the table below the diagram to see detailed descriptions and tips and techniques for moving your request as efficiently as possible through the Software Request process.
To more easily read the content in the diagram below, download the attached PDF document shown here to the right. Below that is a downloadable copy of the Software Request Intake form. These are the same questions asked when completing the online intake form in Jira.
The below table corresponds with the numbered components in the above pictured process flow diagram.
ID | Summary | Description |
1 | Create Software Request in Jira | To create a Software Request (SRQ) ticket, navigate to the FPU Customer Portal and select “Software Request,” or directly follow this link: For Administrative Assistants, please feel free to utilize the downloadable copy of the Software Request intake form to aid in information gathering discussions with the requesting faculty/staff member. Note: If you are a faculty member, please work with the Academic Affairs administrative team to submit this request. |
2 | Review SRQ Intake Form | The SRQ Admin reviews the SRQ Intake form for completeness and does a series of checks to help position the request to move through the SRQ process as efficiently as possible. For example, she may ask “Has your department contacted the supplier about signing Florida Poly’s Master Supplemental Addendum?” |
3 | Initiate TS Assessments | Depending on the scenario and how questions are answered in the Software Request Intake form, there can be 2-3 Technology Services (TS) Assessments required.
4 | Initiate Legal (OGC) Assessment | Best case scenario, the SRQ ticket is submitted before any of its components are kicked off. That way, the various assessments can be completed in parallel, thus getting your request completed quicker. In some cases, the Legal assessment is initiated before the SRQ ticket is submitted (e.g. if requesting legal counsel before deciding to move forward with the request). |
5 | Negotiation | OGC, TS, and the vendor review and discuss whether or not the software presents risk to the University (e.g. the technology terms and conditions). Please note that even widely used and/or free software may present risk from not only a data security perspective, but from a legal perspective as well. The terms and conditions for free software has even been known to be more risky for the University than software we pay for. |
6-7 | Update Jira Request with decision | TS and the OGC will update Jira, the primary system of record, with comments and feedback |
8-9 | DECISION POINT: Assessment approved? | In Jira, there’s a feature that displays who the required approvers are as well as an indicator once the request is approved by each approver. |
10-11 | Obtain VP sponsorship acknowledging risks raised |
12 | DECISION POINT: Have all required approvals been received? | The last approval is completed by the SRQ admin once all information and approvals are received. The SRQ admin concludes the assessment portion by confirming with the Requestor. |
13 | Work with vendor to acquire software | Depending on the software, the Requestor may be able to then download the software on their own from the vendor. Other times, the Requestor may need assistance from the vendor. |
14-16 | Requestor confirms receipt and DECISION POINT: SRQ Admin determines if additional implementation next steps are required | Once the Requestor confirms receipt of the software in Jira, the SRQ Admin helps to determine if the IT Help Desk should be looped in to complete installation of the software (e.g. on an end user’s device, or made available on classroom and lab computers). Then, depending on the complexity of the software implementation, the SRQ Admin pulls in the TS Project Manager to initiate the Project Management process. |
17-18 | IT Help Desk Installation (if applicable) | If required, the SRQ Admin will open an implementation ticket with the IT Help Desk to assist in software installation. |
19-20 | TS Project Management process initiation (if applicable) | If required, the SRQ Admin will pull in the TS Project Manager to initiate the PM process for software implementation. Chances are, the TS PM was brought in previously as well to provide input for the Systems Impact & Implementation assessment. This process is usually triggered if software implementation requires multiple system integrations or implementation components. The TS PM will create a linked Project ticket in Jira to act as the landing page for software implementation. Additional linked Service Requests may be created off of that depending on the scope complexity of the implementation project. |
21 | Close Request | Note that closing this ticket does not necessarily mean that implementation is complete (e.g. if either the software installation or Project Management processes were initiated). If applicable, implementation will be tracked in separate, but linked Jira tickets. Closing the SRQ ticket simply means that the Software Request process is complete. |
Software Request home page on the new FPU website
Project Intake & Management process documentation