Information Technology VP and CIO Mike Dieckmann
April 7, 2023
Members of the Florida Poly community,
Florida Poly, alongside the other institutions in the State University System (SUS), is taking immediate steps to comply with the Florida Board of Governors’ emergency amendment to Regulation 3.0075 – Security of Data and Related Information Technology Resources, which was adopted March 29.
The amended regulation requires universities to remove technologies identified as severe security threats in the SUS Prohibited Technologies List from from any University-owned device and to block network traffic associated with the technologies. These include TikTok, Wechat, VKontakte (VK), Kaspersky, and QQ (Tencent QQ).
Effective immediately, Florida Poly employees and students are to discontinue the use of these applications and websites on University devices and networks. If an employee has one of these applications installed on a University-owned device and requires help removing it, please reach out to the ITS Helpdesk at or 863-874-8888.
The following actions will also be taken.
University-owned devices will soon be blocked from accessing the high-risk technologies.
Installation of these technologies on University-owned devices is prohibited; the technologies will be removed from University-owned devices where possible.
Personal devices will be unable to access the prohibited technologies while connected to Florida Poly networks.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. For more information see the FAQ page.