Most users will use Putty to ssh into the HPC using their Poly email address and password. Usually going to Login.hpc.lab (unless a special environment is needed, in which case the user/s will be given the address after it is created.)
Submitting jobs to the LSF (Use bsub)
Compile the hello_world example code provided by default
/opt/ibm/platform_mpi/bin/mpicc -o hello_world.exe /opt/ibm/platform_mpi/help/hello_world.c
Submit a job through LSF to test the message passing
bsub -n 10 -R "span[ptile=1]" -o %J.out "/opt/ibm/platform_mpi/bin/mpirun -lsf -vapi /home/(Username)/hello_world.exe; wait"
Check the output of the %J.out file to verify results
For the EmberDB cluster please ssh into ember.hpc.lab using your FLPoly username and password.
Once connected use
Mysql –u (your username) -p –h ember-db
It will then ask for your FLPoly password.