This article contains frequently asked questions and answers for Phoenixprint mobile printing.
How much does it cost to print?
Black & white is $.10 per page.
Color is $.36 per page.
Do I have to install the printer on my personal device to print my documents?
Installation of the printer is not required. You can log in to for web printing.
What email address can I use to print to Pheonixprint?
Your primary FloridaPoly email address, which is associated with your FloridaPoly ID badge, must be used to print documents.
How do I send my document to Phoenixprint?
You can email your print jobs to the printer at one of the following email addresses. to print single-sided in black and white only. to print single-sided in color. to print double-sided in black and white. to print double-sided in color.
Can I print from my macOS?
Yes. Either print by sending an email attachment (to the above email addresses) or by installing the macOS associated printer driver from
You will need to connect to the FloridaPoly WiFi or the Global Protect (VPN) if you are off-campus to send print jobs to the printer.
How long will my document remain in the print queue?
Your print job will remain available for twenty-four hours after sending it to print.
You will receive a reminder email 30 minutes before your job is due to expire.
Where can I release the document sent to be printed?
Students can print on the 2nd floor of the IST building in the IST-Commons area
Students can print at the Nest in the Wellness Center.
Students can print from the lab IST1028.
Who do I contact if I have a problem when adding funds?
Contact the FloridaPoly Copy Center at (863) 874-8766 or