This article will show you the steps to download your Webex meeting as a MP4, save it to a folder on your one drive, and upload it to your class Panopto section.
Open your file explorer.
Right click on your One Drive.
Click New.
Click Folder.
Name the folder Cisco Webex Meetings.
Inside of that folder, right click and create as many new folders as you have classes and name them accordingly.
Now open a browser and navigate to
Click Sign In.
Enter your Florida Polytechnic email and click Next.
Enter your net ID and password and click Sign in.
Click Recordings.
Click the downward pointing arrow for the video you wish to download.
If you are uploading to Panopto uncheck the transcript option and Click Download.
Drag the downloaded video to the folder you created in your One Drive. Note: You browser may look different. Do this for any and all videos you wish to upload to Panopto, or any recording you wish to have a digital copy of.
Open a browser and navigate to the Canvas class you wish to upload the Webex recording to.
Click Panopto.
Click Create.
Click Upload Media.
Now drag the downloaded Webex recording from you One Drive and drop it inside the rectangle.
Once you see the Upload complete notification you can close the window.
The processing time for this video should take as long as a normal Panopto recording. Once it is complete it is available for your students.