Desktop and Mobile Device Support

Desktop and Mobile Device Support

Support for end-point devices, including laptops, desktops, mobile devices, and related peripherals that are not in the printing service. These devices might be personally or institutionally owned (including loaner equipment) and might be part of a shared pool or a computer lab. Includes support for the associated operating system, hardware, and systems that provide enterprise management of computing devices.

ServiceService Description
Desktop and Laptop Purchases

Technology Services provides one computing device for each full-time staff or faculty member. Part time, adjunct faculty and student workers are not eligible for mobile devices. A shared used PC with a single monitor will be provided for these employees.  Computer purchases for new employees and employees who are refreshing outdated equipment can be purchased from a Product Catalog maintained by Technology Services. The Product Catalog will contain an inventory of devices from manufactures chosen for reliability and cost effectiveness.  

Devices Available for Student CheckoutThe Technology Service desk has laptops for daily checkout to current Florida Poly students with a valid Florida Poly ID on a first come first served basis. Items with limited inventory can be checked out for one class period.

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