Final Grade Entry

Final Grade Entry

  • Log into CAMS Faculty Portal

  • Click My Courses from the Course Management menu on the left.

  • Select desired course from your course list by clicking on the link for the CourseID
  • From the Course Gradebook menu, click Direct Grade Submit

  • From the drop down list for Grade Type,click Final

  • You will now see a roster of students enrolled in your selected course.
  • Use the drop down box for Final Grade to select a letter grade for each student.
    Please ONLY SELECT applicable grades: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, D, F, or I

  • Once you have entered grades for all your students, click Submit Grades at the bottom.

  • You will see a pop-up confirming your grades were saved. Click OK

  • You will be returned to the Course Options page.