Single Sign on (SSO)

Single Sign on (SSO)

Single Sign On allows users to use one set of login credentials for most university systems. Your Florida Poly email and password will be used for this authentication method.

Instructions for Single Sign On:

  1. University applications utilizing the SSO method will display one of the two pages below for login.

    1. In the areas indicateded enter your Florida Poly Email (netid@floridapoly.edu) and click “Next”.

  2. Examples of single sign on page

    On the following screen enter your password in the indicated field and click “Sign in”.

  3. Page for entering Password.

    Follow the prompts if necessary for Multi-Factor Authentication.

What if my Login failed?

The most common mistake when logging in with Single Sign On is using only your netid instead of your email address for login.

If the page displayed to enter your password looks like below rather than the picture above, click the back button on your browser and enter your email address in the “Sign In” field.

Incorrect page for log in.


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