Classroom Technology - How to use a laptop in the classroom and use it with Teams for remote students

Classroom Technology - How to use a laptop in the classroom and use it with Teams for remote students

Required technology: If you do not have all the below technology please contact (Department chair/admin).

  • A Windows or Mac laptop

  • HDMI and Ethernet connections on your laptop or USB\USB C adapters.

Optional Technology:

  • Laptop with a touchscreen for annotating.

  • A stylus for annotating (Can also power on and off the Crestron touch screen)

  • USB or Bluetooth microphone (Your laptop will need Bluetooth).

Getting your laptop on the projectors

  • Place your laptop on top of the lectern.

    • Note: This location is the best location for using your laptop mic and built-in webcam for interaction with remote students

  • On the Crestron touch panel, touch the Power On Icon.

    • If the Crestron touch screen is blank, please touch the center of it with your finger or stylist.

Crestron touchscreen
  • On the Crestron touch screen touch Laptop HDMI as your source.

Crestron Home screen
  • Now connect the local HDMI and Ethernet cable to your laptop.

    • These are in the cable cubie on the right side of the lectern.

You have completed your setup for your local students now it is time to set up everything for your remote students.

  • Open Microsoft teams and start the meeting.

    • Make sure you are in the correct Team.

    • For your sources make sure that Crestron is your speaker.

    • If you are using a camera, make sure you use the forward-facing camera.

    • If you are using something other than the built-in laptop microphone, please make sure you have that selected as your microphone.

  • Hit record.

  • Share your screen.

Now both local and remote students can see and hear what you are doing.

Best practices:

  • Please sanitize the HDMI, Ethernet cable, and Crestron touch screen before use.

  • Use hardwire connections. This will provide the best connection possible.  

  • Unless you have set up additional technology please do not leave from behind the lectern.

    • The built-in laptop microphone will not pick up across the room.

    • The camera will not capture you.


Please contact the Help Desk at 863-874-8888 or email at helpdesk@floridapoly.edu if you would like Training on Microsoft Teams, Webex, or Classroom Technology.