Proctorio - Minimum System Requirements

Proctorio - Minimum System Requirements

Proctorio offers a flexible service, which may include recording of video, audio, and screen activity or none of the above. The system requirements are dependent on the exam settings. Test takers are encouraged to use a practice exam to test their systems prior to taking an exam. Virtual machines and proxy connections will not work.

Note: In most cases, Proctorio's modest requirements can accommodate devices as old as 10 yrs. and it should be noted that the Operating System version requirements do not coincide with the devices' age. For security & functionality, it is generally recommended that test-takers update their systems to the most recent OS possible.





Chrome OS





Chrome OS

Operating System

Windows 7+

macOS 10.11+

Ubuntu 18.04+

Chrome 58+


Intel Pentium or better


Intel Pentium or better

Intel or ARM

Free Disk Space

250 MB

250 MB

250 MB

250 MB

Free RAM

2 GB1

2 GB1

2 GB1

1 GB1

Upload Speed

0.092 Mbps - 0.244 Mbps2


Any Microphone, either internal or external3


320x240 VGA resolution (minimum) internal or external3

  1. Free RAM is the minimum amount of memory that is not in use by other applications.

  2. Depends on the exam settings, a secure browser has no upload speed requirement.

  3. Only required for proctoring, secure browser functionality does not require audio/visual recording.


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